The origin of the tomato is Central and South America, even if wild forms of spread are at home fromnorthern Chile to Venezuela. The greatest diversity of forms present in culture can be found in Central America. There tomatoes were cultivated by the Maya and other cultures about 200 BC to 700 AD as "xitomatl". Seeds were found at excavations in the south of Mexico City in caves in the Tehuacán Valley.
We know a few food plants which contain so many vitamins and nutrients as tomatoes: vitamins A, B and C, carotene, minerals and fruit acids. Tomatoes are not vegetables, it is a berry, and so we prefer to eat it. It is also great for soups, sauces and marinades, pickles or as a beverage. A few very simple ideas are rice with meat, tomatoes and mushrooms, tomatoes stuffed with custard or Bloody Mary.
Especially in the winter dried tomatoes are a perfect compliment and decor for many different foods.